Jenn's Episodes

Monday, January 19, 2009

Preview of 'Week In Review' (Coming Shortly)

So, this might have been the most eventful week I've had in 2009 for sure, maybe in the last few years... I have a long recap to report on all the 'episodes' of the past week but just as a prelude, this should set the tone for some of the challenges we've been dealing with in the Magnone/Salters family...

My Brother. Christopher Glen. Love him dearly - he's one of my best friends - and was finally heading to his FIRST trip to ski/snowboard...wahoo...somewhere in the middle of New Mexico with 20 of his best friends from Texas A&M. Sounds like the perfect trip, eh?...especially for all of us wanna-be-college-students who like to live vicariously through our siblings...not mentioning any names here. :-)
He was bound and determined to learn to snowboard - unfortunately, less than one day into his snow days, his trip came to a giant standstill.. Here's a nice, normal picture of my brother, pre-accident:
And here's a snapshot of the post-snowboarding-minus-a-helmet-accident result:

He said all he can remember was snowboarding one moment and waking up in an emergency room the next... Short story, he was snowboarding with everyone and got a bit seperated - he doesn't remember anything passed that but was found and taken to the first aid place at the ski resort. Then a trip to the emergency room and he was reunited with his friends somewhere along the way... He suffered a concussion and some terrible scrapes/scratches/bruises/swelling/etc to his face...luckily, all is expected to heal back to normal. The assumption is that he hit a piece of ice and fell, and then hit that same patch (possibly) with his face...

My sweet baby brother's trip pretty much ended there...I think he hung around the cabin for the rest of the week and rested. I'd like to say THANK YOU GOD that someone found him - who knows what could have happened but I'm glad to report he's safe and sound.

Hope you feel better very soon Brother and that you're getting some great sympathy points as I know you're heading back to school this week... Love you. So thankful you are safe.

As a sidenote, any snowboarders out there - WEAR A HELMET. :-)


Blogger Jill said...

OMG! Ouch! Poor Christopher. Hope he's feeling better soon!!

10:17 AM  
Blogger Laci said...

Oh wow...ouch! So glad he's okay.

6:51 AM  

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