Jenn's Episodes

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week In Review

Well, where should I start... First, I use the word 'week' loosely because really I'm referring to about the last 10 days of my life, give or take a few. I've decided, just for fun, to make this a countdown of sorts... We'll name it the Troublesome Top 5.


And I'm not kidding about that - I've been walking around with so many clothes layered-up that I look like the Michelin man with my down coat on. It's never good when the temperature outside is in single digits but when you read that it 'feels like' negative something-or-other THAT is when you really know you're in trouble. The only pro to these 'arctic' temps is the snow that comes along with them - I've decided that I really do love snow. Anytime I see it I get little butterflies in my stomach and start makes me happy for some reason, it's just so beautiful to watch. And it seems like, just for a few moments, as it starts to snow, the city is so much quieter...I can't explain it.

The positive about it freezing and snowing, Central Park covered with a gorgeous white blanket...Marc and I walked over to the park after church on Sunday morning. Here are a few shots - enjoy.


This is a negative thing that turned into something really great actually, a new job within my company. For months I really have had a hard time finding my 'happy place' with the position I was in during 2008. Three months prior to the year ending, a large portion of the sales staff was 'put on warning' and given some pretty steep goals to achieve in order to keep their job for 2009. One of those sales people was me... But, somehow, by the Grace of God I have no doubt, during the layoffs happening at the end of Dec 2008, my company decided to offer me a position on a different team - and to make it short, I LOVE IT - IT'S GREAT - I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!

That being said, I was lucky enough to get to travel to San Diego during some of the COLDEST parts of this brutal NYC winter-weather for a sales conference at our headquarters. Love San Diego - so, so beautiful... Had a 70 degree morning run on the Pacific ocean just before catching my plane back to NYC and stepping out into the blustering cold. It took my breath away - literally - I was coughing most of the way home from the airport!

Here are a couple of pictures from the hotel I was at in Del Mar - just so pretty!


Well you've all read about my Brother's fight with the ice/tree/whatever-hurt-his-face while skiing in New Mexico. This happened while I was in San Diego so when I got a noon-ish phone call from him - knowing he should be skiing down a mountain instead of calling his sister, I know something was up. Thankfully, this story too has a happy ending...below is a not-that-great picture of my brother he sent me a couple of days ago just to reassure me that his face was returning back to normal and he was healing up nicely and feeling better. Speedy recovery Brother!

The weekend before I headed to San Diego, our little pup was REALLY sick...I mean REALLY. We went to bed about 1 am on Sunday morning and around 2 am, woke to Maddie throwing up all over the bed. She continued to do so no less than probably 20 times (and I'm not exaggerating) so around 5:30 am, we headed to the 24 hour vet. Poor baby - she was dehydrated and lethargic so they gave her some fluids and meds and we headed home. Unfortunately, same thing happened on Monday, we were at the vet first thing Monday morning. Our little girl had lost almost 3 lbs because she was so sick - the vet kept her all day, she had an I.V., a catheter and meds all day long. You can see from the photo below they had to shave her little paw for her sad.

Luckily - and - thankfully, another good report - she's all better now! She's recovered well and is chasing her brother all around the apartment right now - Dexter's also glad 'she's back' to her old self. The vet never really figured out what caused Maddie to get so sick - we've been very careful with her diet and she seems to be doing fine now. You can tell by this picture below that all is finally back to normal!


So, Tuesday of this week was an exciting day, in so many ways. For one, our great nation 'started over again' in some ways with a new leader, kinda cool. Several of my friends from NYC went and said it was such a moving experience...wish I could have been there. As for us, we were paying attention to other things that day. Clear Channel did a massive restructure of the entire company and approximately 1,800 employees lost their job - unfortunately Marc was one of those affected. While we weren't totally in the dark about it, we also weren't really expecting it either - no matter what way you look at it, it's a hard bit to swallow. I could go on and on about it - but I won't.

My husband is the hardest working man I've ever met. He's so dedicated to his job and the people surrounding him, he cares about them so much... Heck, he's been more concerned with helping his team members who lost their positions find something new than worrying about what his next steps are. He's just that kind of guy - my husband. That's why I married him. :-)

Anyway, we're not sure what's next here. The wheels are turning as I type and he's looking at lots of options that have already popped up. So what's the kicker... Most of those options aren't in New York City. I'm excited and anxious about the possibilities - so long as he gets into a spot that's as good or better than he was before, all will be good and he'll continue along this journey he's worked so hard to get thru so far.

Sooo, only God knows what our future holds - and we're praying that we figure that out sooner than later. Who knows - all of our great friends and family that came to visit may have a new place to visit sometime soon... Let's just hope that if we're moving, it's into a warmer climate!

To all those who've written, called, emailed, etc. - Marc and I are doing great. This is just a small hiccup that we'll get through together and come out stronger on the other side, I have no doubt. After all, what's life without a little adventure? :-)

Hope you enjoyed my Troublesome Top 5 - more news to come, keep your eyes peeled!



Blogger L.A.W. said...

I'll be praying for you guys. :)

10:15 PM  
Blogger Mama said...

Awww man...what a rotten few days for y'all. Prayers are being lifted up for you in TX!

5:44 AM  
Blogger Laci said...

Wow, what a week! I know God will open the perfect door for y'all! I'm glad you got to go to San Diego in the midst of the craziness is such a great place!!! Can't wait to hear what's next... :)

1:22 PM  
Blogger alwais on said...

as someone who worked with your wonderful husband, i know that there is a great plan out there for you and i know you both will find it!

7:04 PM  

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