Jenn's Episodes

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weekend Escape in Our NYC

After a long week, Marc and I had a great weekend, relaxing and goofing off! We went bowling on Friday night and I beat him - WAHOO! You probably don't understand what a big deal that is but for me, it's huge. I'm a terrible bowler and sometimes it seems like Marc is a semi-pro when we're out there but NOT THIS TIME...hehe. Great date night hun - especially since I WON-I WON-I WON....oh, sorry...I'll stop bragging now. :-)

Well...I'll stop bragging after this picture, I mean. I PROMISE you that is a J behind that flash...beating Mr. M! Did I mention that I won?

Saturday we layed around pretty much all day -caught up on all our tv shows, played with the dogs, cleaned up (a little) - that sort of thing. In other words, we were as lazy as possible all day long...

Even Dexter took part in the laziness - here he is being escorted from couch to bed by his Dad...just loungin'.........can anyone say SPOILED?

Saturday night was 'go time' as it was Edna's birthday party! Edna's one of my best friend's here in NYC - she works in the same office with me, actually right beside me - we're cube-neighbors - and she had a big party planned at HOME ( just down the street from our place. For those who know NYC, we live in Chelsea and the strip of clubs between 10th Ave and 11th Ave on 27th is a pretty busy place on a Saturday night....even if it is only 10 degrees outside (and trust me, it was DEFINITELY that cold - my blue legs proved it). We walked over and had a BLAST - been so long since we've gone out like that but I think 'we've still got it'. Well some of us, Marc and Ed were champs, even ordering pizza and chowing at for me, I was sound asleep on the couch and missed the food, can you believe that? I think I'm getting old......but don't tell anyone. :-)
Below are some pictures of the fun - Happy Birthday Edna!


Blogger Steph said...

I am so glad you guys had a fun weekend. You BOTH sure do deserve it!!!

7:12 PM  

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