Valentine's 2009
Marc and I had a great Valentine's Day weekend. I got home a little early on Friday and he had flowers ALL OVER THE HOUSE. It was so awesome! All of you know how much I love flowers so it was the perfect gift - he also had a Dillon Panthers t-shirt for me - LOVE IT. I'm a big Friday Night Lights fan and you should be do - if you're not watching, please START NOW...they need more viewers so they don't cancel our fav show! He also got me a heart-shaped Billy's Bakery cake...OMG, so good...there really are no words to describe it. I was also totally surprised by flowers from Dad - 2 dozen tulips and new red vase to go into my collection - also some candies in a cute heart-shaped keepsake box. So sweet... Dad Magnone also sent flowers that were beautiful with another vase that will go well in my collection - it has a little red heart on it, love it!
So as you can tell, I was totally spoiled for my Valentine's Day...didn't expect anything and got so much. I definitely felt special - made my whole weekend.
My Valentine's gifts from Marc
Flowers from my Dad - thanks Dad - I love you so much!
Saturday evening we went out to dinner at Red Cat with Jess and Byron and ate some delicious pork chops - yum. THEN - here's the most fun part - we went to this place called PLEASE DON'T TELL. It's a bar on in the East Village located inside a hot dog restaurant.... There's a phone booth in the restaurant you walk into and pick up the phone and BOOM - the door on the other side opens.... Have to have reservations and we were lucky enough to get in - so much fun. The drinks left a little to be desired but the atmosphere rocked and what a great story to tell. After a couple of drinks Byron and Marc had a quick hot dog and we headed home.
Red Cat in Chelsea
The NY Crew
Phone booth going into Please Don't Tell
Byron and Jess
Marc and Jenn
My FAB new shoes - saws Cara's brag bit and though I'd have one too! =)
Thanks to everyone for such a great Valentine's Day - I hope you all know how much you mean to me and that you are all my valentine's. =)
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