Sights of our New York City...Saying Goodbye
While the movers were loading boxes on Friday, Marc and I snuck out for one last breakfast at our favorite diner up the street, Chelsea Square. We've been going to this diner almost every weekend for breakfast since we first moved to the city - found one waiter in particular that we hit it off with and he just happened to be working on Friday morning... So, we said our goodbyes - took a quick pictures for our keepsakes, had a few laughs and talked about the past year over our usual breakfast orders. And what a year it has been...
To all of our visitors, thank you so much for coming up and enjoying NYC with us. You being here allowed us to tour Manhattan up and down and now we both feel like we know it inside and out...well, sorda... =)
To our families, well...there really aren't enough words to tell you all how much your support means. We truly could not and would not have been able to enjoy this great experience without each and every one of you. Your constant love and advice keeps us going day after day - we are so lucky to have the very best families in the entire world, hands down. =)
To our NYC friends, WOW - I don't even know what to say. We've been lucky enough to have some great people in our lives over the years and 2008 was no different. Our lives will forever be changed by the generosity and friendliness of those we've met - we went from being the newbies in town to feeling like we've lived here forever and THAT is solely because of the people who've taken us in and made us feel so very welcome.
To Byron and Jess: Truly I don't know what we'll do without our 'Friend's friends'... =) Who knew that two of the best friends we'd ever have lived so far away - no doubt God puts us in the right places to meet the right people who will change our lives forever.
To Ed: Since the day I met Marc he's been telling me about this Eddie character from Merritt Island...who knew you'd be so cool!? It's been a blast hanging out and although we're going to miss you a ton, I think Maddie and Dexter especially will be going through Ed Withdrawal. You must visit soon to keep our dogs happy....uh, and because we'll all miss you. =)
To Edna: Thanks for continuing to remind me that 'Baby Jesus' is with me always...and for being my first and best friend here in NYC. When I felt absolutely all alone, you took care of me - you will never know how it felt to know I had an NYC girlfriend. =)
Below are some of the pictures I took as I walked home after breakfast...its an overwhelming feeling to know you love a place and certain people so much and to also know, there are no guarantees as to when you'll see those people or places again. So - you know me - take as many pictures as possible to always remember every moment.
These pictures are OUR CHELSEA...
These pictures are from our apartment windows - YES, I know how lucky we are to have had this view. What you don't know is that we didn't only have an awesome view of this amazing city, we also had a view directly into the apartment of Chase Crawford and Ed Westwick......don't drool on your computer's ladies. =) Additionally, our next door neighbor was a Cover Girl supermodel, so Marc got his fair share of drooling in as well. =) Why am I telling you this?'s surreal isn't it? And that pretty much describes to a T the last year in NYC...absolutely surreal.
Saying goodbye always hurts and trust me, it doesn't get easier as you do it more and more in your life. What it does do is make you appreciate the time you've been given to enjoy another great city with amazing people and places...this time around is no different.
My entire life, even since high school, I've always wanted to live in Manhattan... And I did it - we did it - and it was the best experience of my life thus far as I knew it would be.
Manhattan is the city of my dreams...and it's also the city where my dreams came true. So I'll say goodbye in my head but never in my heart.
What's next.....stay tuned. =)
Wow, I got so sad reading your post about leaving NYC. I am currently trying to find a way to get myself is pretty much my favorite place in the world, so I can only imagine how hard it was to leave. Also, SO jealous that you could see Chace Crawford's apartment from yours!! What a hottie.
Thanks for the encouragement with the running. We are picking things back up this week, and we have just a little over three weeks to go before the big day!! I am feeling much more confident than I was this time last week.
Hope you have a great week!
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