Jenn's Episodes

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tampa Time

We're in Tampa this weekend, enjoying time with our new little nephew - he's so cute! Just a precious little baby boy...perfect in every way. He's so sweet - talks and laughs and hugs...he's great! And do you know the best part? We get to be his Godparents! =) I'll post pictures after our big day in church tomorrow - but until then, here are some good ones of our family time together since we got here.

We were just getting into Tampa in the picture above

And look at our sweet surprise...Mama Les showed up with Baby Andrew to meet his aunt and uncle for the first time!

Precious little cargo - on the way home from the airport - look at his cute baseball shoes!

Aunt Jenn and Drew - just hangin'...

Aunt Jenn and Uncle Marc

We went on date night Thursday evening while Mom and Dad Magnone stayed with do you like the way Marc's wearing his shirt? That was just for Leslie... =)

Friday we hung out all day with the baby and THEN we went to see G Love and Special Sauce with Les and Bill - so much fun!

Love these silly shots - above is me and Bill sporting our classy drinks and below is Marc and Matt, goofing off, as usual...

Saturday it was back to baby time - isn't he soooo cute? Don't you think he looks a little like Marc?

Love this picture of Marc and Andrew - watching the North Carolina game together =)

OK, that's all for now - will update tomorrow after we've been officially inducted into the role of Godparents! Hope everyone's having a great weekend.


Blogger Steph said...

I have to say, Jenn. I agree with you, my favorite picture is the one of Marc and Andrew watching TV. They are my handsome fellows. :)

4:01 PM  

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