Jenn's Episodes

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pin a Carrot on my Nose and Call Me Frosty, I'm Turning into a Snowman!

It is FREEZING outside - literally... It's been a lovely weekend, beautiful outside, sunny, breezy, really nice - UNTIL about 3pm today when the temperature dropped...and dropped...and dropped some more. We started around 40 degrees this morning, tonight we're rocking a temperature of 21 degrees with wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour - according to the weather channel, it feels like it's 2 degrees outside - TWO DEGREES - you read that right... Unbelievable! Marc and I had dinner at Outback Steakhouse - our usual Sunday Salads...that's on 23rd between 6th and 7th and we live on 23rd between 10th and 11th - by the time we got there and back, both of us were frozen - FROZEN.

Hudson River is in between those buildings but you can't see it!

The Empire State Building is behind all that snow and normally can be seen very easily from our place...
Look close and you can see the flurries!
We got a cool video of the snow storm coming in from our apartment - even though it only lasted a little while, it was cool to watch. The wind was blowing so hard that it was snowing sideways.....check it out, hope the video works.

Aside from turning into Frosty, the rest of the weekend was great! We had lots of dog park time and rest and relaxion - just what we needed. We went out to a place called Hill Country on Saturday night with Byron and Jessica and for the evening I was so SO so homesick - and stuffed. This place is a total Texas hangout, based on the Texas Hill Country which as you know, is just like home to me and my family. The smell, the look, the pictures on the wall, the awesome bbq, it was great! First thing I did when I got home was call Mom and Dad - I love New York City but I sure do miss home. Here's the Hill Country website if interested in checking it out - .

Maddie and Dex loved the park - as usual. Here they are in their cute sweaters playing with a hocky puck they found...they are growing like weeds and becoming more and more fun each day. They are awesome! Enjoy the videos and pictures and have a wonderful week everyone.

Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer - maybe I'll been an employed New Yorker by the end of the week!

You know the family is exhausted when you find them sleeping in the middle of the kitchen floor!

Dex and Dad - aren't they both so handsome!?

Maddie and Marc at the park with Chelsea Piers in the background - pre snow-storm...

Maddie Maddie Madison....

Our attempt at a family picture - best one we've got for now!


Blogger Steph said...

OH BRRRRRRR!!!!! Love all the videos, the puppies and most of all you!!!!!!
Maddie and Dexter sure do enjoy their park time.
Have a wonderful week!!!! Stay warm!
Love you both very much!!!

4:58 AM  

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