Jenn's Episodes

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend Review

Marc and I had a busy weekend - stayed pretty busy the majority of the time. Friday we went to Hill Country for some Texas-style barbque and it was yummy! I also treated myself to some Blue Bell Ice Cream for dessert...can't get that anywhere else up north but at this restaurant. For anyone who's ever been to Rudy's, it's a 'nicer' version of the same style of cookin' and atmosphere. I was waited on by a freakin' Texas Longhorn though - in full Longhorn gear and all... Whatever. She was nice so I didn't let it spoil my dinner.

After dinner Marc hung at home with the pups and I went and met my friend Edna out to celebrate her cousins birthday. I was in a cab before she let me know that it was 'Latin Friday' night - lol. We had fun though, even if I couldn't understand a word of the music!

Saturday Marc and I headed out to Brooklyn Heights to check out the area, do a little sight-seeing and also see if it might be an area worth us moving to in order to gain a little more space and pay a little less rent. we had a good time, minus the yucky weather. Brunch and a walk on the 'Promenade' facing Manhattan and then back over to NYC through Wall Street area. Marc joked about me taking pictures 'before it crashed' - don't worry, I told him it wasn't funny.

Saturday night Ed came over to hang out and watch the Georgia/Alabama showdown....and all I have to say is wow - after watching that butt-beating I can believe that Alabama may be on their way this year. In Aggie news, we DID beat Army although there were some questionable moments when we definitely wondered if we were going to lose the game... Rough year for us Ags and the next few weeks are going to be another fresh taste of reality - they gotta get it together.

Sunday a.m. Marc and I got up and ran a 5k (which I'll blog about later) and then absolutely crashed... We were exhausted, to say the least and I think we took a 4 hour long nap, long enough for me to miss half of the Cowboys game. I can't believe they lost but better to lose now than later when it might matter more, I guess...

That's my weekend report - more to come later on our big 5k race Sunday a.m.!


Blogger Jill said...

Just wanted to say that your black dress is really cute! I love it!

5:51 AM  

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