Jenn's Episodes

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grandma Salters

Just a quick note to let update those who don't know... My Grandma has been in and out of the hospital over the past two months and is currently in ICU in Baytown after an extensive surgery she's trying to recover from. I jumped on a plane today to come home and see her and the rest of my family as everyone's been having a hard time over the past couple of months.

For those of you I haven't talked to - please don't be surprised if you hear I was in town. I'm here but am in Mont Belvieu and Baytown, hanging with the family. I'll look forward to seeing y'all on our next trip down.

Please keep my Grandma in your thoughts in prayers and thanks to all of you who've been helping us through this so far. I have the greatest friends in the world - thanks to you all.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Road Trip - Atlantic City or BUST

This past weekend Marc and I took a road trip across the northeastern states... We headed to Atlantic City, NJ on Friday evening and then on Saturday, drove through Pennsylvania and Delaware to get to Annapolis, Maryland for the night. It was FUN except for when I was totally convinced that we were lost on Sunday heading home...come to find out, we weren't lost - just took the REALLY LONG ROUTE back home. Isn't that right, hun? :-)

KTU, Marc's radio station in NYC was hosting a concert of 80's one-hit-wonder bands or Freestyle Free For All, if you want to get technical, so we headed down for the 'work function'. This was our first time in Atlantic City - a very cool city, definitely reminded me of a mini-Vegas. We stayed at the Taj Mahal where the concert was held... Concert was a blast - including artists like the Cover Girls, Stevie B and Marc's personal fav, Rob Base - he was SO EXCITED...haha...

I'd like to tell you I took the picture above like that on purpose....but that would be a lie. :-)

Afterwards we headed to The Casbah Club inside the Taj Mahal and proceeded to sing (and dance) the night away...all the way into the early hours of the morning. I think the last time Marc and I stayed out this late was....well - uhm - well I can't remember the last time we stayed out so late! Had fun hanging with his staff and sporting my boots New Yorker style although my feet were killing me by the end of the night. Nothing new, I know - I know.

He loves me!

I told you we were singing...haha!

See - New Yorker boots...guess it's finally official, lol! This is me taking a picture of my achy-breaky feet! We had a great weekend, enjoyed spending time in Annapolis with Dad Magnone as well as chowing on some yummy food at Lewne's Steakhouse (no, I didn't have steak...I know you were wondering).

Looking forward to our next road trip which most likely will be a big one, "The Great Magnone Road Trip of 2008" as we're planning to drive from NYC to Merritt Island, FL for Christmas! Stay tuned for a full report on that adventure.

Dexter and Maddie Snapshots

Here are some fun shots of our puppies -
Hope they brighten your day the way they brighten ours!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Take A Moment...

And check out this amazing video that Cara passed my way. Most of you know that I converted from a Baptist to a Catholic about a year and a half ago and the cool thing about the video below is that it truly does transcend across all faiths as it pertains to values and moral issues, etc. Although there are pieces of this that some may agree on and some may not, one thing stands out - truly this election should be based on the principles that built our great nation and the importance of families in the future of our America. This is my little plug to encourage others to vote - vote for what you believe in, for the things that are important to you and your family!

Enjoy the video below...if anything, I hope it makes you THINK about what issues truly are important to YOU.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Additional Celebrity Sighting News - Celebrity Apprentice

So - RANDOM - but my manager knows someone who knows someone who introduced him to a former playmate (yes, you read that correctly - still G rated blog...just connecting the dots for you) who would be in the upcoming Celebrity Apprentice. She called last week (told you I was behind on pictures and posts) and asked for him to bring as many friends as he could to a fundraiser at the corner of 6th Avenue and 58th Street... So, he recruited the office to walk down with him around lunch time - they were selling cupcakes to raise money for an AIDS organization. This is one of two of the teams from Celebrity Apprentice which should be airing sometime in the spring.

The coolest part was standing and talking to Joan with cameras and microphones stuck in your face - all we were trying to do was buy a few cupcakes! =)

Who knows, maybe I'll get a few seconds of my 15 minutes of fame in the spring - keep your eyes peeled!

Joan Rivers - Celebrity Apprentice

Random Drag Queens were helping attract people - you can see in the picture above. Also in this picture is Annie Duke, professional poker player and another contestant on the show.

Here's Joan again with Brande Roderick, the former Baywatch star and playmate I mentioned above. Cool experience here in crazy New York City!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Events to Catch Up On

I've been holding on to these pics for a couple of weeks... Marc surprised me with 'date night' and took me to Mamma Mia! on Broadway. It was a great show - I just love the storyline... I have to say that other shows I've seen were maybe a little more memorable but the voices of the performers in this play are phenominal. Now I can't wait to go see the movie - not sure how it'll compare to seeing it on stage but I'm looking forward to finding out. I do think it's a solid 'girl movie' so I might have to wait until I'm in the right place to watch this one - not sure Marc would sit through it with me, lol!

Marc also lucked out and had a client offer up tickets to go to one of the Food and Wine Festival events here in town this past weekend. We are big Food Network fans - or at least I am and Marc has to be by default, haha... so we were really pumped for this event.

It was an evening, red carpet affair (we found out when we showed up...oops...forgot to wear my staple "Red Carpet outfit-for-just-in-case-purposes" dress -rriiigghhttt...) full of the best sweets and treats from some of the best chefs in the country. Here's a short description from the website to give you a better idea of what we were walking into...

Late-night desserts never tasted so good - pity you can’t wear your jammies! Even so, get yourself to what might well be the greatest collection of sweets ever found in one location: frosted layer cakes with filling flavors you’ll love; dark chocolates infused with exotic spices that will ruin you for everyday candy bars; cookies crafted from the finest ingredients and resembling works of art; ice-cream so rich and creamy you will dream about it for days. For one blissful evening, New York’s finest confectioners and cheese artisans will join forces in an amazing display of sugar and dairy. Hosted by the king of over-the-top desserts – industrial-strength cake-maker Duff Goldman –this party will also feature the world’s most perfect accompaniment to sweet, rich, ooey-gooey dessert: Champagne and specialty cocktails from Absolut Vodka. Other fine wines and spirits will round out the beverage list, making this all so much better than your usual midnight trip to the cookie jar.

Needless to say, Marc and I being the dessert freaks we are were seriously pumped up for this big night of sweets. Not to mention my fanatical obsession with Ace of Cakes, hosted by Duff Goldman, sounded like a night too good to be true. And it was!!! Can't beat champagne, chocolate and celebrity sightings...we had a blast!

I really enjoyed the champagne AND this amazing centerpiece in the middle of the bar....I mean seriously, outrageously gorgeous....

Above is the hall we walked into - it was set up like a night club with tables full of deserts and drinks lining the walls..
Here's an example of ONE of the tables full of desserts...there were about 40 restaurants/bars/chefs/bakeries with tables set up like this. Needless to say, Marc and I both left with a tummy ache - but who can blame us!?

I loved this Evian 'Water Bar' - talk about getting creative with H2O...
These were sugar and chocolate sculptures - I love watching chefs put these together...they take so much work and concentration and patience....just amazing stuff.
Here we are with Duff - he was really cool...definitely one of those guys you can BS with and pick up conversation super easy... Very friendly guy!

The above are all ice cream push-pops...Yeah, That's Right! They are filled with vanilla and caramel ice cream....yuuuhuuummm!

We did have the opportunity to meet a few celebrities including Bobby Flay (my Food Network hero!) - unfortunately, we didn't get a picture with him. But look who we DID get a picture with!???

The Piano Man himself.... SO cool! (for those asking - who in the world is The Piano Man - BILLY JOEL PEOPLE!)

We had such a great night... Empire State building was lit up beautifully even though it's hard to see in the background... One last picture for the evening - I love this man! =)