Jenn's Episodes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Please VOTE for Maddie and Dexter!



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weekend Escape in Our NYC

After a long week, Marc and I had a great weekend, relaxing and goofing off! We went bowling on Friday night and I beat him - WAHOO! You probably don't understand what a big deal that is but for me, it's huge. I'm a terrible bowler and sometimes it seems like Marc is a semi-pro when we're out there but NOT THIS TIME...hehe. Great date night hun - especially since I WON-I WON-I WON....oh, sorry...I'll stop bragging now. :-)

Well...I'll stop bragging after this picture, I mean. I PROMISE you that is a J behind that flash...beating Mr. M! Did I mention that I won?

Saturday we layed around pretty much all day -caught up on all our tv shows, played with the dogs, cleaned up (a little) - that sort of thing. In other words, we were as lazy as possible all day long...

Even Dexter took part in the laziness - here he is being escorted from couch to bed by his Dad...just loungin'.........can anyone say SPOILED?

Saturday night was 'go time' as it was Edna's birthday party! Edna's one of my best friend's here in NYC - she works in the same office with me, actually right beside me - we're cube-neighbors - and she had a big party planned at HOME ( just down the street from our place. For those who know NYC, we live in Chelsea and the strip of clubs between 10th Ave and 11th Ave on 27th is a pretty busy place on a Saturday night....even if it is only 10 degrees outside (and trust me, it was DEFINITELY that cold - my blue legs proved it). We walked over and had a BLAST - been so long since we've gone out like that but I think 'we've still got it'. Well some of us, Marc and Ed were champs, even ordering pizza and chowing at for me, I was sound asleep on the couch and missed the food, can you believe that? I think I'm getting old......but don't tell anyone. :-)
Below are some pictures of the fun - Happy Birthday Edna!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week In Review

Well, where should I start... First, I use the word 'week' loosely because really I'm referring to about the last 10 days of my life, give or take a few. I've decided, just for fun, to make this a countdown of sorts... We'll name it the Troublesome Top 5.


And I'm not kidding about that - I've been walking around with so many clothes layered-up that I look like the Michelin man with my down coat on. It's never good when the temperature outside is in single digits but when you read that it 'feels like' negative something-or-other THAT is when you really know you're in trouble. The only pro to these 'arctic' temps is the snow that comes along with them - I've decided that I really do love snow. Anytime I see it I get little butterflies in my stomach and start makes me happy for some reason, it's just so beautiful to watch. And it seems like, just for a few moments, as it starts to snow, the city is so much quieter...I can't explain it.

The positive about it freezing and snowing, Central Park covered with a gorgeous white blanket...Marc and I walked over to the park after church on Sunday morning. Here are a few shots - enjoy.


This is a negative thing that turned into something really great actually, a new job within my company. For months I really have had a hard time finding my 'happy place' with the position I was in during 2008. Three months prior to the year ending, a large portion of the sales staff was 'put on warning' and given some pretty steep goals to achieve in order to keep their job for 2009. One of those sales people was me... But, somehow, by the Grace of God I have no doubt, during the layoffs happening at the end of Dec 2008, my company decided to offer me a position on a different team - and to make it short, I LOVE IT - IT'S GREAT - I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!

That being said, I was lucky enough to get to travel to San Diego during some of the COLDEST parts of this brutal NYC winter-weather for a sales conference at our headquarters. Love San Diego - so, so beautiful... Had a 70 degree morning run on the Pacific ocean just before catching my plane back to NYC and stepping out into the blustering cold. It took my breath away - literally - I was coughing most of the way home from the airport!

Here are a couple of pictures from the hotel I was at in Del Mar - just so pretty!


Well you've all read about my Brother's fight with the ice/tree/whatever-hurt-his-face while skiing in New Mexico. This happened while I was in San Diego so when I got a noon-ish phone call from him - knowing he should be skiing down a mountain instead of calling his sister, I know something was up. Thankfully, this story too has a happy ending...below is a not-that-great picture of my brother he sent me a couple of days ago just to reassure me that his face was returning back to normal and he was healing up nicely and feeling better. Speedy recovery Brother!

The weekend before I headed to San Diego, our little pup was REALLY sick...I mean REALLY. We went to bed about 1 am on Sunday morning and around 2 am, woke to Maddie throwing up all over the bed. She continued to do so no less than probably 20 times (and I'm not exaggerating) so around 5:30 am, we headed to the 24 hour vet. Poor baby - she was dehydrated and lethargic so they gave her some fluids and meds and we headed home. Unfortunately, same thing happened on Monday, we were at the vet first thing Monday morning. Our little girl had lost almost 3 lbs because she was so sick - the vet kept her all day, she had an I.V., a catheter and meds all day long. You can see from the photo below they had to shave her little paw for her sad.

Luckily - and - thankfully, another good report - she's all better now! She's recovered well and is chasing her brother all around the apartment right now - Dexter's also glad 'she's back' to her old self. The vet never really figured out what caused Maddie to get so sick - we've been very careful with her diet and she seems to be doing fine now. You can tell by this picture below that all is finally back to normal!


So, Tuesday of this week was an exciting day, in so many ways. For one, our great nation 'started over again' in some ways with a new leader, kinda cool. Several of my friends from NYC went and said it was such a moving experience...wish I could have been there. As for us, we were paying attention to other things that day. Clear Channel did a massive restructure of the entire company and approximately 1,800 employees lost their job - unfortunately Marc was one of those affected. While we weren't totally in the dark about it, we also weren't really expecting it either - no matter what way you look at it, it's a hard bit to swallow. I could go on and on about it - but I won't.

My husband is the hardest working man I've ever met. He's so dedicated to his job and the people surrounding him, he cares about them so much... Heck, he's been more concerned with helping his team members who lost their positions find something new than worrying about what his next steps are. He's just that kind of guy - my husband. That's why I married him. :-)

Anyway, we're not sure what's next here. The wheels are turning as I type and he's looking at lots of options that have already popped up. So what's the kicker... Most of those options aren't in New York City. I'm excited and anxious about the possibilities - so long as he gets into a spot that's as good or better than he was before, all will be good and he'll continue along this journey he's worked so hard to get thru so far.

Sooo, only God knows what our future holds - and we're praying that we figure that out sooner than later. Who knows - all of our great friends and family that came to visit may have a new place to visit sometime soon... Let's just hope that if we're moving, it's into a warmer climate!

To all those who've written, called, emailed, etc. - Marc and I are doing great. This is just a small hiccup that we'll get through together and come out stronger on the other side, I have no doubt. After all, what's life without a little adventure? :-)

Hope you enjoyed my Troublesome Top 5 - more news to come, keep your eyes peeled!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Preview of 'Week In Review' (Coming Shortly)

So, this might have been the most eventful week I've had in 2009 for sure, maybe in the last few years... I have a long recap to report on all the 'episodes' of the past week but just as a prelude, this should set the tone for some of the challenges we've been dealing with in the Magnone/Salters family...

My Brother. Christopher Glen. Love him dearly - he's one of my best friends - and was finally heading to his FIRST trip to ski/snowboard...wahoo...somewhere in the middle of New Mexico with 20 of his best friends from Texas A&M. Sounds like the perfect trip, eh?...especially for all of us wanna-be-college-students who like to live vicariously through our siblings...not mentioning any names here. :-)
He was bound and determined to learn to snowboard - unfortunately, less than one day into his snow days, his trip came to a giant standstill.. Here's a nice, normal picture of my brother, pre-accident:
And here's a snapshot of the post-snowboarding-minus-a-helmet-accident result:

He said all he can remember was snowboarding one moment and waking up in an emergency room the next... Short story, he was snowboarding with everyone and got a bit seperated - he doesn't remember anything passed that but was found and taken to the first aid place at the ski resort. Then a trip to the emergency room and he was reunited with his friends somewhere along the way... He suffered a concussion and some terrible scrapes/scratches/bruises/swelling/etc to his face...luckily, all is expected to heal back to normal. The assumption is that he hit a piece of ice and fell, and then hit that same patch (possibly) with his face...

My sweet baby brother's trip pretty much ended there...I think he hung around the cabin for the rest of the week and rested. I'd like to say THANK YOU GOD that someone found him - who knows what could have happened but I'm glad to report he's safe and sound.

Hope you feel better very soon Brother and that you're getting some great sympathy points as I know you're heading back to school this week... Love you. So thankful you are safe.

As a sidenote, any snowboarders out there - WEAR A HELMET. :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brag Bit

Andrew David is growing like a weed! Thought I'd take an 'Aunt' moment to brag on our little Stephenson Steeler. Too cute not to share! :-)

Happy New Year from Annapolis

For those who thought we were 'living the dream' in the 4 degree weather in Times Square - WRONG - we were smarter than that...we actually fled the city trying to get away from the crazy crowds. We headed to Annapolis, MD and had a GREAT visit with Mom and Dad Magnone...... So much fun to relax together and catch up in such a fun place - we really had a blast!

Our festive New Year's Eve in Annapolis - we went out for a great seafood/steak dinner and then headed to a local bar just down the road from where we were staying. So much fun! What a perfect way to start our new year!
Also while in Annapolis, we took Maddie and Dexter to this GIGANTIC dog park that they LOVED....they were playing with all types and sizes of was awesome! Here's a few snapshots from our time at the park...

Maddie May - AKA "Speed Racer" - she was out running all the dogs at the was awesome. Her Dad was so proud......

Dex and his fellow canine friend having a quick stare down as to who was going to walk away victorious WITH the ball.... Guess who won - we'll just say we taught our boy well. :-)

Marc and Maddie - struttin' through the park...just hangin'...

We really had a great time in Annapolis - can't wait to go back. Happy New Year Everyone!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Mom, Dad and Brother Visit NYC

Well once again, I'm WAY behind on updating my blog. Early in December Mom, Dad and Christopher headed up to see what Christmas in the city was all about and we had a blast! Nothing beats quality time with your family, no matter what you're doing - we were just lucky enough to be in one of the best cities in the world to enjoy each other's company.

Christmas in New York is magical...aside from being bitterly cold with lots of nasty weather and seriously CRAZY people who will knock you out just to be one person closer to the door at Macy's (trust me, I know...)'s a charmed city that comes even more to life during the holidays. I've already posted some of the pictures from when everyone was here but will share some more and hopefully give you all a taste of our New York City Christmas.

These pictures are from our night out to Peter Lugar's for dinner, Junior's for dessert (cheesecake-of course) and then to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular! What a great show filled with Christmas spirit - I think I walked around the city the rest of the night singing Christmas carols...

I made the whole family get together for some 'quality family picture taking' time - Thanks to Jess and Byron who headed over to be our professional photographers for the morning. You can't tell it from this photo, but the wind is blowing about 20 miles an hour and we are FREEZING our hineys off in the 15 degree weather.... Sunny mornings in NYC during the winter are always a scary thing - that means it's going to be even colder than usual!

We headed up town to check out 5th Avenue and all the CRAZINESS associated with shopping the days before Christmas in December... We meandered our way over to Central Park as Christopher was convinced we needed to go ice skating in Central Park. It was so much fun!

That's all three of us in the picture above - not sure if you can see Marc - he's hiding behind Christopher...

Mom and Dad in Bryant Park

As always, the Salters family LOVES to eat and we had some really nice dinners while everyone was in town. We opted against giving Christmas gifts this year and decided to instead spend our funds on good food and fun activities. It was definitely the right decision! Above is our dinner at Chart House on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River. What a beautiful view to sit and look at the city while having such a nice meal - it was really awesome. Below are some of the dessert pictures of our many stops for 'something sweet' throughout the week... Christopher's pictures are from Ferarra's and mine is from Junior's - YUM.

Christopher has been talking about going to see Avenue Q since the last time he was in town so we decided we'd go check it out....WOW. Probably the most hilarious play I've ever seen but also the most graphic and politically incorrect one too. Half the time, Marc and I wanted to crawl under our seats due to the inappropriate lines coming out of the puppets mouths - I haven't laughed/cried so hard in a long time. :-)

We also went to see Cirque De Soleil (my favorite) - they have a winter show they put on every year in the WAMU Theatre at Madison Square was really good. Alegria is still my favorite, though!

Christopher getting 'Dexter-ed' (above) and the three of us after our dinner at Chart House, standing in front of the Hudson overlooking NYC.

Our family Christmas picture for 2008 - hope everyone had Happy Holidays. We had a blast! Thanks for coming up Mom, Dad and Brother - we love you all so much!